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White, F. (1978) Myrtaceae Flora Zambesiaca 4
Trees, shrubs or rhizomatous suffrutices. Leaves usually opposite or subopposite, (rarely alternate, ternate or in fours), simple, entire, often coriaceous, generally with translucent dots (though these may be difficult to see on occasions). Stipules 0. Inflorescences axillary or terminal. Flowers mostly bisexual, actinomorphic, ± epigynous. Sepals (0-)4-5, sometimes fused to form an operculum, often gland-dotted. Petals (0-)4-5, often gland-dotted. Stamens numerous. Ovary inferior or semi-inferior with (1-)2-5(-10) loculi. Fruit a berry, drupe or capsule. Worldwide: 129 genera and 4,620 species in tropical and warm areas and in temperate Australia. Malawi: 3 genera and 13 taxa. |
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Genus | Content |
Eugenia L. | Description |
Psidium L. | Description |
Syzygium Gaertn. | Description |
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