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Mendes, E.J. (1978) Rosaceae Flora Zambesiaca 4
Trees, shrubs or herbs. Stipules present. Leaves alternate (in ours), opposite or whorled, simple or compound. Flowers actinomorphic, usually bisexual, perigynous or epigynous. Calyx lobes usually 5; epicalyx sometimes present (Alchemilla). Petals as many as calyx lobes, rarely 0 (Alchemilla). Stamens usually numerous. Carpels 1-many, free or connate; ovules usually 2, rarely 1 or several. Fruit an achene, drupe, follicle or pome, very rarely a capsule. Worldwide: 95 genera and 2,825 species, ± cosmopolitan but especially in the temperate and warm northern hemisphere. Malawi: 7 genera and 19 taxa. |
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Genus | Content |
Alchemilla L. | Description, Image |
Cliffortia L. | Description |
Crataegus L. | Description |
Hagenia J.F. Gmel. | Description, Image |
Prunus L. | Description, Image |
Pyracantha M. Roem. | Description, Image |
Rubus L. | Description, Image |
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