Annual or perennial herbs with short erect stem. Leaves dimorphic: foliage leaves in a basal rosette, petiolate, spathulate to circular; pitcher leaves (traps) congested on the lower part of the stem, consisting of a stalk ending in a flask-like trap with a tubular mouth and 2 long ribbon-like helically-twisted arms and with inwardly-directed hairs inside. Inflorescences of terminal bracteate racemes. Calyx lobes 5, slightly accrescent. Corolla 2-lipped; upper lip ± erect, entire or 2-lobed; lower lip larger, spurred at base; palate raised. Stamens 2. Fruit a spherical capsule, circumscissile along the equator and sometimes also with two other lines of dehiscence. Seeds numerous, reticulate. Worldwide: 19 species in tropical America and tropical and South Africa Malawi: 2 taxa. |