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Annual or perennial herbs. Stipules 0. Leaves mostly opposite, some alternate, entire, ± succulent. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, umbel-like to loosely dichasial. Flowers bisexual or ± unisexual, actinomorphic. Perianth segments 5, free. Stamens 5-20. Carpels 5-15, superior, free, 1-ovulate with a style on the inner edge of the carpel. Fruit of separated achenes, each covered with warts, black. Seeds swollen-reniform, black. Derivation of name: for Paul Dietrich Giseke, 1741-1796, German physician, botanist and friend of Linnaeus. Worldwide: c. 4 species in the Old World tropics Malawi: 2 taxa. |
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Species | FZ divisions | Content |
africana (Lour.) Kuntze | N,C,S | Description, Image |
pharnaceoides L. var. pharnaceoides | N,C | Description, Image |
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