Dioecious trees or shrubs.
Stipules present. Leaves alternate, simple, entire, with domatia and golden glands beneath. Male inflorescences
axillary (in ours), laxly spicate or ± paniculate; female terminal, few-flowered. Male flowers: calyx cup-shaped, with
4-6(-8) imbricate lobes; petals 0; disk 0; stamens 4-6; pistillode present. Female flowers: sepals 4-6(-9); petals 0; disk 0; ovary 2-locular; ovules 2 per loculus; styles 2. Fruit 2-coccous, flattened, winged, dehiscent
or not. Seeds 1 per coccus, flat, winged or not. Worldwide: 6-7 species occurring in tropical and South Africa; one from SE Asia to Sumatra. Malawi: 4 taxa. |
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