Location: Val D'Or, Arcturus

Image 1

Photo: Mark Hyde
View from the front of the house towards the dam, Val D'Or

General Information

Quarter degree square: 1731C4

Country: Zimbabwe

Habitat: Rocky hills, miombo woodland, open sandy ground, marsh and pond habitats and introduced species.

Altitude range: 1520 - 1530 m

Annual rainfall:

Location (short):

Location (detailed):


This smallholding near Arcturus consists mainly of miombo woodland and more open areas on sandy soil. A stream with a series of dams flows through the property and provides marshes, ponds and small areas of swamp forest.

Interesting species seen include Babiana hypogea, Crotalaria alexandri and Eulophia ovalis.

A number of interesting introduced species have been found, such as Drymaria cordata (first record for the C Division).

Useful links

View a list of records for Val D'Or, Arcturus

View a list of unique taxa (excluding cultivated plants) for Val D'Or, Arcturus

View a list of unique taxa (all taxa whether cultivated or not) for Val D'Or, Arcturus

View map showing records

View a list of recorders who have visited this location

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Malawi: Location details: Val D'Or, Arcturus.
https://www.malawiflora.com/speciesdata/location-display.php?location_id=12, retrieved 13 February 2025

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