Literature: | | |
Gibbs Russell, G.E. (1977) Keys to Vascular Aquatic Plants in Rhodesia Kirkia 10(2) 411-502 | | |
Obermeyer, A.A. (1966) Hydrocharitaceae Flora of Southern Africa 1 | | |
Simpson, D.S. (1989) Hydrocharitaceae Flora of Tropical East Africa | | |
Symoens, J.J. (2009) Hydrocharitaceae Flora Zambesiaca 12(2) | | |
| | |
Names | FZ Divisions |
| | |
88.000 LAGAROSIPHON Harv. | | |
Lagarosiphon cordofanus Casp. | N,C,S |
Lagarosiphon crispus Rendle | | |
Lagarosiphon muscoides Harv. | S |
| | |
89.000 VALLISNERIA L. | | |
Vallisneria spiralis L. | N,S |
Vallisneria aethiopica Fenzl | | |
| | |
95.000 OTTELIA Pers. | | |
Ottelia exserta (Ridl.) Dandy | S |
Boottia exserta Ridl. | | |
Boottia macrantha C.H. Wright | | |
Boottia mossambicensis Peter | | |
Ottelia fischeri (Gürke) Dandy | S |
Boottia fischeri Gürke | | |
Ottelia ulvifolia (Planch.) Walp. | N,C,S |
Damasonium ulvifolium Planch. | | |
Ottelia lancifolia A. Rich. | | |
Ottelia latifolia De Wild. | | |
Ottelia plantaginea Ridl. | | |