This page displays all the living plant images for species of a particular family.
Amorphophallus abyssinicus subsp. unyikae |
N |
Photo: Alistair Hull Nyakasanga Safari area / Mana Pools NP boundary.
Photo: Alistair Hull Nyakasanga Safari area / Mana Pools NP boundary.
Photo: Alistair Hull Nyakasanga Safari area / Mana Pools NP boundary.
Photo: Mike Bingham Wasa Lodge, grown from seed Lusaka.
Photo: Mike Bingham Mfuwe S road.
Photo: Mike Bingham Lusaka, Cultivated at Protea Hill Farm.
Photo: Lynne James Chitaki River, Urungwe District.
Amorphophallus impressus |
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No living plant images found |
Amorphophallus maximus subsp. fischeri |
? |
Photo: Tongai Castigo Mt Nhadongo, c. 12 km South of Vila Gorongosa
Photo: Tongai Castigo Mt Nhadongo, c. 12 km South of Vila Gorongosa
Photo: Tongai Castigo Mt Nhadongo, c. 12 km South of Vila Gorongosa
Photo: Tongai Castigo Mt Nhadongo, c. 12 km South of Vila Gorongosa
Photo: Tomas Buruwate Murrebue, Mecufi district, Cabo Delgado.
Photo: Tomas Buruwate Murrebue, Mecufi district, Cabo Delgado.
Photo: Tomas Buruwate Murrebue, Mecufi district, Cabo Delgado.
Photo: Bart Wursten Near Kariba
Colocasia esculenta |
Photo: Bart Wursten Nr Odzani R. bridge
Photo: Bart Wursten By Odzi R., nr Hot Springs
Photo: Bart Wursten By Odzi R., nr Hot Springs
Photo: Bart Wursten Nyamuakwarara River, John Meikle Reseach Station
Photo: Bart Wursten At the bridge of the old power station, Nyahode river, road to Rusitu
Photo: Bart Wursten Mutucuto River crossing, footpath from Muwawa to Zomba
Photo: Bart Wursten Muvumodzi Valley near Eastern Lakes, eastern Chimanimnai Mts.
Photo: Bart Wursten Muvumodzi Valley near Eastern Lakes, eastern Chimanimnai Mts.
Photo: Bart Wursten River below Nharizengere Falls, northwestern Gorongosa National Park.
Culcasia falcifolia |
N,S |
Photo: Bart Wursten Chirinda Forest
Photo: Bart Wursten Chirinda Forest
Photo: Bart Wursten Lower forested slope below Nhandore Peak, Mt Gorongosa
Photo: Bart Wursten Lower forested slope below Nhandore Peak, Mt Gorongosa
Photo: Bart Wursten Carpark for Big Tree, Chirinda Forest
Photo: Bart Wursten Road from Mt Selinda to Espungabera border post
Photo: Mark Hyde Nyawamba River, near Canaan village, Aberfoyle
Photo: Mark Hyde Nyawamba River, near Canaan village, Aberfoyle
Gonatopus angustus |
S |
Photo: Bart Wursten Near Rhino Hotel, Old Runde Bridge, Mwenezi.
Photo: Bart Wursten Near Rhino Hotel, Old Runde Bridge, Mwenezi.
Photo: Bart Wursten Hippo Pools, by road into camp, Umfurudzi Safari Area
Photo: Bart Wursten Hippo Pools, by road into camp, Umfurudzi Safari Area
Photo: Bart Wursten Chironde area, Coutada 12, Cheringoma
Photo: Bart Wursten Chironde area, Coutada 12, Cheringoma
Photo: Bart Wursten Chironde area, Coutada 12, Cheringoma
Photo: Bart Wursten Chironde area, Coutada 12, Cheringoma
Photo: Bart Wursten Swanepoel Concession, Cheringoma
Photo: Bart Wursten Along road from Nhabawa to Chikukwa, Chimanimani National Reserve
Gonatopus boivinii |
S |
Photo: Bart Wursten At Nhambita turn-off, along road to entrance gate Gorongosa National Park.
Photo: Bart Wursten At Nhambita turn-off, along road to entrance gate Gorongosa National Park.
Photo: Bart Wursten At Nhambita turn-off, along road to entrance gate Gorongosa National Park.
Photo: Bart Wursten Along footpath from Muwawa to Zomba
Photo: Bart Wursten Along footpath from Muwawa to Zomba
Photo: Mike Bingham Lusaka, Protea Hill.
Photo: Mike Bingham Lusaka, Protea Hill, grown from seed Lutomfwa.
Photo: Mike Bingham Lusaka, Protea Hill, grown from seed Lutomfwa.
Photo: Mike Bingham Lusaka, Protea Hill, grown from seed Lutomfwa.
Photo: Mike Bingham Lusaka, Protea Hill, grown from seed Lutomfwa.
Photo: Bart Wursten Entrance road to Chironde Camp, Coutada 12
Photo: Bart Wursten Ndzou camp area, Moribane Forest
Photo: Nicholas Wightman Dabuyu Farms, Lilayi, Lusaka, Lusaka Distr., Lusaka Province
Photo: Nicholas Wightman Dabuyu Farms, Lilayi, Lusaka, Lusaka Distr., Lusaka Province
Photo: Nicholas Wightman Dabuyu Farms, Lilayi, Lusaka, Lusaka Distr., Lusaka Province
Gonatopus clavatus |
S |
Photo: Tomas Buruwate Murrebue, Mecufi district, Cabo Delgado.
Photo: Tomas Buruwate Murrebue, Mecufi district, Cabo Delgado.
Photo: Tomas Buruwate Murrebue, Mecufi district, Cabo Delgado.
Lemna aequinoctialis |
N,S |
Photo: Bart Wursten Malilangwe Wildlife Reserve
Photo: Bart Wursten Malilangwe Wildlife Reserve
Pistia stratiotes |
N,C,S |
Photo: Bart Wursten Musikadzi River, Gorongosa National Park
Photo: Bart Wursten Paradise Pan along road no2, Gorongosa National Park.
Photo: Mark Hyde Lake Chivero, by Jacana Yacht Club
Photo: Mark Hyde 10, Sandringham Drive, Alexandra Park, Harare
Sauromatum venosum |
N,C,S |
Photo: Mike Bingham Lusaka, Protea Hill, grown from seed Chifwema road, Lusaka
Photo: Mike Bingham Lusaka, Protea Hill, grown from seed Lazy-J, Lusaka
Photo: Mike Bingham Lusaka, Protea Hill, grown from seed Lusaka SE.
Photo: Mike Bingham Lusaka, Protea Hill, grown from seed Lusaka SE.
Photo: Bart Wursten Lower Chisanga Falls, Nyika National Park.
Photo: Bart Wursten Lower Chisanga Falls, Nyika National Park.
Spirodela polyrrhiza |
N,S |
No living plant images found |
Stylochaeton cuculliferus |
N |
Photo: Mike Bingham Luangwa Valley, Chindeni Hills.
Photo: Mike Bingham Luangwa Valley, Chindeni Hills.
Stylochaeton natalensis subsp. natalensis |
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Photo: Bart Wursten Near EN1 along road to entrance gate Gorongosa National Park.
Photo: Bart Wursten Near EN1 along road to entrance gate Gorongosa National Park.
Photo: Bart Wursten Along footpath from Muwawa to Zomba
Photo: Bart Wursten Along footpath from Muwawa to Zomba
Photo: Bart Wursten Along footpath from Muwawa to Zomba
Photo: Sune Holt Vilankulo, Inhambane, Mozambique
Photo: Sune Holt Vilankulo, Inhambane, Mozambique
Photo: Sune Holt Vilankulo, Inhambane, Mozambique
Photo: Sune Holt Vilankulo, Inhambane, Mozambique
Photo: Bart Wursten Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.
Photo: Bart Wursten Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.
Photo: Bart Wursten Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.
Photo: Bart Wursten Compound of Community Education Centre, Gorongosa National Park
Photo: Bart Wursten Along road from Nhabawa to Chikukwa, Chimanimani National Reserve
Stylochaeton puberulus |
N,C,S |
Photo: Bart Wursten Rimiti West, by Mutare to Birchenough Bridge Rd
Photo: Bart Wursten Rimiti West, by Mutare to Birchenough Bridge Rd
Photo: Bart Wursten Along road to entrance gate Gorongosa National Park.
Photo: Bart Wursten Lay-by Birchenough Bridge to Masvingo road near Nyika
Photo: Bart Wursten Near EN1 along road to entrance gate Gorongosa National Park.
Photo: Bart Wursten Near EN1 along road to entrance gate Gorongosa National Park.
Photo: Mike Bingham Kawambwa District, Kapako River.
Photo: Mike Bingham Chakwenga, Kalulu River.
Photo: Mike Bingham Sesheke West.
Photo: Mike Bingham Lower Zambezi NP, Chakwenga gold/copper prospect, Chakwenga Camp.
Photo: Bart Wursten Along path in "sacred forest", Mahenye.
Photo: Bart Wursten Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu.
Photo: Nicholas Wightman Cultivated from material existing on Dabuyu Farms, Plot 67, Farm 401a Lilayi, Lusaka
Photo: Nicholas Wightman Cultivated from material existing on Dabuyu Farms, Plot 67, Farm 401a Lilayi, Lusaka.
Photo: Bart Wursten Along rd no3, Gorongosa National Park
Photo: Bart Wursten Along rd no3, Gorongosa National Park
Wolffiella hyalina |
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No living plant images found |
Wolffiella welwitschii |
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Zamioculcas zamiifolia |
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Photo: Bart Wursten Haroni River
Photo: Bart Wursten Haroni River
Photo: Bart Wursten Nhandar River below Nhancuco, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa.
Photo: Bart Wursten Nhandar River below Nhancuco, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa.
Photo: Stefaan Dondeyne Slopes of Mt Chinhaunguri, Moribane.
Photo: Stefaan Dondeyne Slopes of Mt Chinhaunguri, Moribane.
Zantedeschia albomaculata subsp. albomaculata |
N,C,S |
Photo: Bart Wursten Nyanga Rd nr Juliasdale
Photo: Bart Wursten Nyanga Rd nr Juliasdale
Photo: Bart Wursten Top end Small Bridge Dam
Photo: Bart Wursten Mt Chinaka, Juliasdale
Photo: Bart Wursten Mt Chinaka, Juliasdale
Photo: Bart Wursten Mt Chinaka, Juliasdale
Photo: Bart Wursten Luwawa Forest Reserve, Viphya, Mzimba
Photo: Bart Wursten Luwawa Forest Reserve, Viphya, Mzimba
Photo: Bart Wursten Luwawa Forest Reserve, Viphya, Mzimba
Photo: Jimmy Muropa Monavale Vlei, near Fenella Drive
Photo: Jimmy Muropa Monavale Vlei, near Fenella Drive
Photo: Jimmy Muropa Monavale Vlei, near Fenella Drive