Dioecious, rarely monoecious,
trees or shrubs with simple hairs. Stipules present. Leaves alternate, simple (in ours) or lobed, entire or toothed, gland-dotted beneath. Inflorescences axillary or terminal, racemose or paniculate. Male flowers: calyx with 2-4 valvate lobes; petals and disk 0; stamens 2-4 (in ours); anthers 3-4-thecous; pistillode 0. Female flowers: calyx truncate or shallowly toothed; petals and disk as for males; ovary 1-3-locular; ovule 1 per loculus; styles 1-3. Fruit smooth or verrucose, ± dehiscent, usually glandular. Worldwide: 280 species in the tropics of the Old World Malawi: 3 taxa. |
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