Flora of Malawi: Utilities: All images of Kniphofia

Images for each species

The purpose of this page is to display all images (whether of herbarium specimens or of living plants) for each species within a particular genus.

Note that all images are shown, including any that are 'hidden' and any on our other websites.

Separate pages exist which display images of living plants only and of herbarium specimens only for this genus.

Kniphofia grantii N,C,S
Kniphofia grantii

Photo: Petra Ballings
Road between Dam 2 and dam 3, Nyika National Park

Kniphofia grantii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Road between Dam 2 and dam 3, Nyika National Park

Kniphofia grantii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Road between Dam 2 and dam 3, Nyika National Park

Kniphofia grantii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Road between Dam 2 and dam 3, Nyika National Park

Kniphofia grantii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Road between Dam 2 and dam 3, Nyika National Park

Kniphofia grantii

Photo: Nicholas Wightman
Riverside dambo above Kalonde Falls, Kawambwa Distr., Luapula Province

Kniphofia grantii

Photo: Nicholas Wightman
Riverside dambo above Kalonde Falls, Kawambwa Distr., Luapula Province

Kniphofia linearifolia N,S
Kniphofia linearifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Summit, Chinyakwaremba, Vumba

Kniphofia linearifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Summit, Chinyakwaremba, Vumba

Kniphofia linearifolia

Photo: Mark Hyde

Kniphofia linearifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Nr dam wall, Cleveland Dam, Harare

Kniphofia linearifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Nr dam wall, Cleveland Dam, Harare

Kniphofia linearifolia

Photo: Stefaan Dondeyne
Around "Ma Esese" gold mines, Chimanimani Mts

Kniphofia linearifolia

Photo: Stefaan Dondeyne
Around "Ma Esese" gold mines, Chimanimani Mts

Kniphofia linearifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Plateau below Nhandore peak, Mt Gorongosa

Kniphofia linearifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Plateau below Nhandore peak, Mt Gorongosa

Kniphofia linearifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Plateau below Nhandore peak, Mt Gorongosa

Kniphofia linearifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Near World's View, Nyanga

Kniphofia linearifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Below top ridge "Mte Chimanimani", West of Mevumodzi Valley at Eastern Lakes, Chimanimani Mts.

Kniphofia linearifolia

Photo: Ton Rulkens
Serra Mecute, Sussundenga district, Manica province

Kniphofia linearifolia

Photo: Ton Rulkens
Serra Mecute, Sussundenga district, Manica province

Kniphofia linearifolia

Photo: Ton Rulkens
Serra Mecute, Sussundenga district, Manica province

Kniphofia mulanjeana S No images found
Kniphofia princeae N No images found
Kniphofia reynoldsii N No images found
Kniphofia splendida S
Kniphofia splendida

Photo: Darrel Plowes
Chimanimani Mts

Kniphofia splendida

Photo: Bart Wursten
Upper Nhandar Valley, Mt Gorongosa

Kniphofia splendida

Photo: Bart Wursten
Plateau below Nhandore Peak, Mt Gorongosa

Kniphofia splendida

Photo: Bart Wursten
Plateau below Nhandore Peak, Mt Gorongosa

Kniphofia splendida

Photo: Bart Wursten
Plateau below Nhandore Peak, Mt Gorongosa

Kniphofia splendida

Photo: Bart Wursten
Morumbodzi Falls,lower slopes Mt Gorongosa

6 species found

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Malawi: Utilities: All images of Kniphofia.
https://www.malawiflora.com/speciesdata/utilities/utility-display-all-images-by-genus.php?genus_id=336, retrieved 15 February 2025

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