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The following is a list of the records made by Hines in species name order. The records are of species which occur in malambique (either as a native/naturalised species or as a cultivated species).
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No | Species | Record date | Recorder(s) | Coll. | Det. | Conf. | Herbaria | Habitat | Location | Loc code | Outing code | Planted code | Country | QDS | Grid ref. | FZ Div | Alt. (m) | Notes | Lat | Long | Loc Acc Code |
94373 | Acalypha ornata | 04 Mar 2003 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1147 | D Lutombi | WIND |
Caprivi: About 14 km south-east of Bukalo on the main Bukalo - Muyako road. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724C4 | 940 | Shrub; Notes: Shrub, up to 1.2 m in height. Growing on side of termitaria. Flowers/florescence green. Common. Area of mopane woodland with scattered termitaria, numerous small pans. Soils largely clays and clay loams, blackish. | -17.846390 | 24.443890 | 4 | ||||||
93965 | Ceropegia stenantha | 01 Mar 2003 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1136 | PV Bruyns | WIND |
Caprivi: 10 km south-east of Katima Mulilo on road to Mafuta, about 500 m from main Katima - Ngoma road. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724C2 | 922 | Creeper; Notes: Small herbaceous creeper found on side of termite mound. Thick milky latex.Flowers dull whitish cream with basal 'chamber' washed pink in mature flowers. Many of the younger flowers have a greener colour. Common. Area of mixed mopane and Burkea woodlands with large termitaria. | -17.528610 | 24.332780 | 5 | ||||||
94616 | Combretum hereroense subsp. hereroense | 27 Feb 2003 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1126 | HR Hasheela BA Curtis | WIND |
Caprivi: Just south of the main Bukalo - Liambezi road, on the road to Dudukabe. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724D3 | 942 | Notes: Tree/shrub. Common species especially around pans on edge of termitaria. Variable in size from a tree up to 6 m in height to shrub about 1 m high. No flowers and fruit. Distinct corky lenticels. The whole area is dominated by Colophospermum mopane woodlands with extensive flooded areas and pans. Soils are clays and clay loam. | -17.781940 | 24.505280 | 4 | ||||||
93745 | Commiphora africana | 11 Jan 1986 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 542 | S Austaller | WIND |
Caprivi: Eastern Caprivi. About 20 km east of the Kwando River. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1723C4 | 0 | Shrub; Notes: Dense Baikiaea/Combretum woodland with thick shrub layer. Deep sandy soils. Short woody shrub up to 50 cm high. Unripe fruit green. Common. | -17.875000 | 23.375000 | 5 | ||||||
93813 | Commiphora africana | 05 Mar 2003 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1151 | D Lutombi | WIND |
Caprivi: About 45 km west of Katima Mulilo on the Kongola road. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1723D2 | 964 | Shrub; Notes: Shrub, up to 1 m high. No flowers or fruit. Scarce. Area of degraded Baikiaea woodland with a very dense understory. Soils reddish yellow dystrophic kalahari sands. | -17.705000 | 23.998330 | 5 | ||||||
94390 | Commiphora edulis subsp. edulis | 04 Mar 2003 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1149 | C Mannheimer | WIND |
Caprivi: About 14 km south-east of Bukalo on the main Bukalo - Muyako road. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724C4 | 940 | Tree; Notes: Tree, up to 6 m high. Bark pale green flaking in papery flakes (small) exposing a blue green underbark. Fruit with a reddish purple flush on the stalk end. Petioles/rachis of leaves reddish pink. Young branchlets hairy. Distinct lenticels. Area of mopane woodland with scattered termitaria, numerous small pans. Soils largely clays and clay loams, blackish. | -17.846390 | 24.443890 | 4 | ||||||
93881 | Commiphora mossambicensis | 22 Jan 2002 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1122 | L Nanyeni | WIND |
Caprivi: Commiphora mossambicense area of woodlands and fields about 12 km north-west of Katima Mulilo near Zambian border. 1731.886'S 2414.506'E. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724C1 | 0 | Tree; Shrub; Notes: Small tree/shrub, 1-3 m high. Fruits green. Bark grey-brown, flaking on older stems. Stems straight with short lateral branches, leaves in groups of 3 on long petioles, young branches reddish, with distinct growth scars and swollen bases to branches. Sandy to sandy loams along the margin of old drainage line/depression in area of Kalahari sands. Common. | -17.531390 | 24.241670 | 5 | ||||||
93752 | Cyperus margaritaceus | 11 Jan 1986 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 543 | HH Kolberg | WIND |
Caprivi: About 20 km east of the Kwando River, Eastern Caprivi. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1723C4 | 0 | sedge; Notes: Dense Baikiaea/Combretum woodland with thick shrub layer. Deep sandy soils. Sedge. Up to 40 cm high. Bracts white with green margins. Common. | -17.875000 | 23.375000 | 5 | ||||||
93845 | Empogona kirkii subsp. kirkii | 05 Mar 2003 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1154 | HR Hasheela | WIND |
Caprivi: About 2 km south of old Sabinda on the Linyanti cutline. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1723D4 | 950 | Shrub; Notes: Shrub, up to 1.5 m high. Very common. No flowers. Fruit greenish with some red speckling when young. Young branchlets hairy. Bark pale grey smooth. Area of mixed mopane and Terminalia - Combretum woodland. Soils range from clay loams to dystrophic leached sands | -17.808330 | 23.813330 | 5 | ||||||
93988 | Empogona kirkii subsp. kirkii | 28 Feb 2003 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1128 | HR Hasheela | WIND |
Caprivi: About 500 m from the Katima Mulilo road junction on the main Linyanti road. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724C2 | 946 | Shrub; Notes: Shrub, up to 1.5 m high. Common. Mature stems pale grey. No flowers or fruit. Flower buds (?) in leaf axils. Area of open Kalahari woodland with small patch heavier soils occupied by species more typical of of riverine fringe woodlands. Soils leached kalahari sands and clay loams near termitaria. | -17.593890 | 24.305830 | 5 | ||||||
93828 | Eragrostis patens | 24 May 2000 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1106 | ES Klaassen | WIND |
Caprivi: Nukwa area on western side of the, state forest area. Eastern Caprivi. Near the Nukwa army base. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1723D3 | 960 | Graminoid; Notes: Loamy sands in an area dominated by Acacia erioloba with a well developed understory of shrubs and grasses. Grass. Annual. Up to 30 cm high. Very common in disturbed areas along the road. Most of the plants were dry and finished flowering. Few plants still green. | -17.937780 | 23.618330 | 5 | ||||||
93992 | Erythrophleum africanum | 05 Oct 2001 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1119 | C Mannheimer | WIND |
Caprivi: On small track between Katima Mulilo and Kwena village. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724C2 | 930 | Tree; Notes: Tree. Up to 8 m in height. Growing on deep dystrophic sands which are heavily leached. Flowers in axillary spikes (few in tree). Leaves pale green when young. Softly hairy. Common. | -17.650000 | 24.333330 | 5 | ||||||
95167 | Excoecaria bussei | 08 Mar 2003 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1162 | C Mannheimer | WIND |
Okavango, Rundu District: Fraces Dimbare Youth Centre on the edge of the Okavango river. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1821A2 | 1003 | Tree; Notes: Tree up to 5 m in height. Bark smoothish, brown grey. Young branches with significant leaf scars. Copiuos milky latex. Fruit a large (3 cm diameter) 3 loculed capsule on the end of a short branch. Uncommon. Rocky habitat (quartzite) with mixed vegetation. Soils shallow sandy loams. | -18.081390 | 21.493610 | 2 | ||||||
94404 | Feretia aeruginescens | 03 Mar 2003 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1144 | S Schubert | WIND |
Caprivi: About 9 km south-east of Bukalo on the main Bukalo - Muyako road on the south-side of Bukalo channel. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724C4 | 933 | Shrub; Notes: Shrub, up to 2 m high. No flowers or fruit. Leaves (and moor plants) chlorotic - yellow moths on moor leaves. Mixed mopane woodland with numerous small pans. Soils, clay, clay loams. | -17.797500 | 24.486110 | 4 | ||||||
95175 | Flueggea virosa subsp. virosa | 25 Feb 1988 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 939 | S Austaller | WIND |
Caprivi: Andara. Area to the north of the mission station, near the old Agriculture Camp. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1821A2 | 0 | Tree; Notes: Habitat variable - large rocky islands and deep sandy soils dominated by Erythrophleum and Guibotia. Small, multi-stemmed, up to 3.0 m high. Flowers yellowish. Common. | -18.125000 | 21.375000 | 2 | ||||||
94414 | Grewia pachycalyx | 03 Mar 2003 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1140 | S Bartsch | WIND |
Caprivi: About 21 km south-west of Bukalo on the south-east side of main Bukalo - Muyako road. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724C4 | 938 | Shrub; Notes: Shrub, about 1 meter high. Uncommon. No flowers or mature fruit. Flower buds pale greenish. Most young leaves with galls/nodules. Area of extensive mopane woodland and predominantly heavy clays. On the edge of a large pan. | -17.878060 | 24.413330 | 4 | ||||||
94005 | Hippocratea indica | 06 Jun 2000 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1109 | C Mannheimer | WIND |
Caprivi: Near Kalumba village 20 km south of Katima. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724C2 | 930 | Shrub; Tree; Notes: Extrensive area of mopane woodland with dense understory of annual grasses. Occasional termite mounds. Soil duplex, underlain by clays. Scrambling shrub, small tree growing on side of termite mounds with Combretum mossambicense. Only one plant with single spray of fruits. Bark greyish with many lenticels. | -17.631390 | 24.326670 | 5 | ||||||
94419 | Hoslundia opposita | 04 Mar 2003 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1146 | C Mannheimer | WIND |
Caprivi: About 14 km south-east of Bukalo on the main Bukalo - Muyako road. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724C4 | 940 | Shrub; Notes: Shrub, up to 1.2 meters high. Growing on side of termitaria. Flowers in terminal clusters, white. Fruits when young green, hard. When mature bright orange with distinct fruit, softly fleshy. Area of mopane woodland with scattered termitaria, numerous small pans. Soils largely clays and clay loams, blackish. | -17.846390 | 24.443890 | 4 | ||||||
93909 | Leptocarydion vulpiastrum | 03 May 2000 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1104 | ES Klaassen | WIND |
Caprivi: Sachinga Research Station. 40 km west of Katima Mulilo. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724C1 | 0 | Graminoid; Notes: In sandy soil on verge of main road into the research station. Leached Kalahari sands, pale grey. Area dominated by Baikiaea, plurijuga with a dense understory of shrubs. Grass layer sparse. Grass. Up to 30 cm high. Common. | -17.625000 | 24.125000 | 5 | ||||||
93780 | Markhamia obtusifolia | 11 Jan 1986 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 535 | S Austaller | WIND |
Caprivi: Eastern Caprivi. About 20 km east of the Kwando River. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1723C4 | 0 | Shrub; Notes: Dense Baikiaea/Combretum woodland with thick shrub layer. Deep sandy soils. Woody, up to 1,5 m high. Flowers: yellow with paler inside. Common. | -17.875000 | 23.375000 | 5 | ||||||
94432 | Marsdenia macrantha | 03 Mar 2003 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1143 | MM Uiras | WIND |
Caprivi: About 9 km south-east of Bukalo on the main Bukalo - Muyako road on the south-side of Bukalo channel. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724C4 | 933 | Creeper; Notes: Common creeper. Usually found on plants associated with small termite mounds. Latex is opaque, not milky. Flowers greenish - cream coloured. When young petals are twisted, many ants on nectaries in flowers. Mixed mopane woodland with numerous small pans. Soils, clay, clay loams. | -17.797500 | 24.486110 | 4 | ||||||
94441 | Pavetta cataractarum | 04 Mar 2003 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1148 | S Schubert | WIND |
Caprivi: About 14 km south-east of Bukalo on the main Bukalo - Muyako road. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724C4 | 940 | Shrub; Notes: Shrub, up to 1.5 m high. Growing on termitaria and other better drained sites near pans. Corolla remnants black. No fruit on any bushes. Bark pale grey - brown. Leaves with distinct bacterial nodules. Area of mopane woodland with scattered termitaria, numerous small pans. Soils largely clay and clay loams, blackish. | -17.846390 | 24.443890 | 4 | ||||||
93832 | Pavetta gardeniifolia | 14 Jun 2000 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1114 | C Mannheimer | WIND |
Caprivi: On cutline to Nulwa Military Camp. State forest area. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1723D3 | 960 | Shrub; Notes: Area dominated by Baikiaea and Combretum collinum. Sandy soils. Shrub up to 1 m high. Fruit green, maturing black. Common. | -17.844720 | 23.615000 | 5 | ||||||
95275 | Pavetta gardeniifolia var. subtomentosa | 08 Mar 2003 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1163 | S Schubert | WIND |
Okavango, Rundu District: Fraces Dimbare Youth Centre on the edge of the Okavango river. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1821A2 | 1003 | Shrub; Notes: Shrub up to 2 m high. No flowers. Fruit green when young, maturing black. Leaves with very distinct black bacterial nodules. Common on small islands opposite the youth camp. Soils alluvial sands. Rocky habitat (quartzite) with mixed vegetation. Soils shallow sandy loams. | -18.081390 | 21.493610 | 2 | ||||||
93915 | Perotis patens | 03 May 2000 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1103 | ES Klaassen | WIND |
Caprivi: Sachinga Research Station. 40 km west of Katima Mulilo. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724C1 | 0 | Graminoid; Notes: In sandy soil on verge of main road into the research station. Leached Kalahari sands, pale grey. Area dominated by Baikiaea plurijuga with a dense understory of shrubs. Grass layer sparse. Grass. Up to 30 cm high. Common. | -17.625000 | 24.125000 | 5 | ||||||
93918 | Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia var. dekindtii | 10 Jun 2000 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1112 | S Bartsch | WIND |
Caprivi: About 12 km west of Katima Mulilo. 1 km north of main Mpacha road. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724C1 | 960 | Tree; Notes: Area of dustropure sands grey brown. Dominated by Burkea - Baikiaea - Terminalia woodland. Small tree up to 4 m high. Bark grey and smooth on younger branches. Black on main stem. (Same as CJHH1108). Leaves becoming deep red, colours before dropping. Fruit yellowish with 6 valves. Maturing dark brown. Common. | -17.574720 | 24.226940 | 5 | ||||||
94026 | Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia var. dekindtii | 25 Jun 2000 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1108 | C Mannheimer | WIND |
Caprivi: 3 km west of Katima Mulilo on Kongola road. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724C2 | 960 | Tree; Notes: Area of Burkea woodland. Deep, highly leached Kalahari sands with small termitaria. Tree. Up to 2.5 m high. Bark distinctive pale grey, breaking into small, blocky squares. Fruit green when young, drying to yellowish and then whithering brown. Uncommon. | -17.539170 | 24.267780 | 5 | ||||||
94027 | Psydrax livida | 28 Feb 2003 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1127 | MM Uiras | WIND |
Caprivi: About 500 m from the Katima Mulilo road junction on the main Linyanti road. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724C2 | 946 | Shrub; Notes: Shrub, up to 1 m high. No flowers or fruit. Younger branchlets greenish. Older branches and stems grey. Young branchlets distinclty hairy. Scarce only one plant in the area. Area of open Kalahari woodland with small patch heavier soils occupied by species more typical of of riverine fringe woodlands. Soils leached kalahari sands and clay loams near termitaria. | -17.593890 | 24.305830 | 5 | ||||||
93821 | Pterocarpus lucens subsp. antunesii | 05 Mar 2003 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1150 | D Lutombi | WIND |
Caprivi: About 45 km west of Katima Mulilo on the Kongola road. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1723D2 | 964 | Shrub; Notes: Tree/shrub, multi-stemmed, up to 3.5 m in height. No flowers or fruit. Leaves shiny green above, pale dull green below. On older stems small side branches forming thick pseudothorns Most leaves eaten by scale insects. Uncommon. Area of degraded Baikiaea woodland with a very dense understory. Soils reddish yellow dystrophic kalahari sands. | -17.705000 | 23.998330 | 5 | ||||||
93736 | Rotheca myricoides | 11 Jan 1986 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 534 | S Austaller | WIND |
Caprivi: Eastern Caprivi. About 20 km east of the Kwando River. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1723C4 | 0 | Herb; Notes: Dense Baikiaea/Combretum woodland with thick shrub layer. Deep sandy soils. Up to 50 cm high. Woody. Flowers: with keel petal blue, lower four petals white. Flowerbuds violet. Uncommon. | -17.875000 | 23.375000 | 5 | ||||||
94030 | Schizachyrium exile | 15 May 2000 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1105 | ES Klaassen | WIND |
Caprivi: Area of pale, heavily leached fluvial sands. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724C2 | 960 | Graminoid; Notes: Dominated by Terminalia sericea. Annual grass. Very common. Up to 60 cm high. Distinct reddish colour. | -17.605000 | 24.405000 | 5 | ||||||
94711 | Stomatostemma monteiroae | 14 Jan 2002 | CJH Hines A Burke |
CJH Hines A Burke 1121 | E Retief | WIND |
Caprivi: On main Bukalo - Liambezi road, Caprivi. 1746.890'S 2430.325'E. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724D3 | 930 | Creeper; Notes: Creeper. Flowers: pale cream; heavily scented. Latex milky. Leaves with lower surface paler than upper. Bark brownish red with young branches having lower (neutral) surface greenish. Habitat: mopane woodland on clay loam soils. Common on termitaria. | -17.781390 | 24.505560 | 4 | ||||||
94038 | Strophanthus kombe | 05 Oct 2001 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1118 | PV Bruyns | WIND |
Caprivi: On small track between Katima Mulilo and Kwena village. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724C2 | 960 | Shrub; Notes: Shrub, generally about 1 - 1.5 m in height, but some plants with long branches extending up to 3 cm. Flowers: white at base of petal, petals long and tendril-like. Reverse (back) side of petals purple-red, front side of tendril portion yellow-cream. Stamens fused to corolla tube forming a reddish-orange pattern on the inside of corolla tube. Female parts 5-segmented, yellow. Basal bracts purple. Young flower buds bright pink to reddish-purple, up to 10 cm long. Flowers terminal on short branchlets which tend to be reddish in colour. Large 2 horned pod with white streaks (made up of many lenticels?). No leaves on plant. Bark smooth with distinct lenticels, purplish grey. Common on duplex soils, with shallow surface sands and heavy clay loams lower down. Area dominated by mopane. | -17.600000 | 24.325560 | 5 | ||||||
94046 | Terminalia trichopoda | 01 Mar 2003 | CJH Hines |
CJH Hines 1134 | D Lutombi | WIND |
Caprivi: About 10 km east of Katima Mulilo. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724C2 | 935 | Tree; Notes: Tree, up to 3 m high.No flowers or fruit. Bark on young branches dark brown, but fissured and splitting exposing reddish brown beneath. Area a mosaic of reworked kalahari sands, alluvial sands and heavy alluvial clay loams. Vegetation a mix of Burkea - Terminalia woodlands and mopane. Uncommon | -17.523060 | 24.334720 | 5 | ||||||
94720 | Terminalia trichopoda | 09 May 1997 | CJH Hines A Burke |
CJH Hines A Burke 97128 | C Mannheimer | WIND |
Caprivi: Katima, SE of old Kabe. | 0 | Namibia (Caprivi Strip) | 1724D3 | 0 | 14 m high; Tree; Notes: Vegetation: tree savanna/northern Kalahari. Light: full sun. Slope: flat. Stem habit is ascending. Indigenous, perennial, woody tree. Not aromatic. Broken twigs have no sap. Bark: grey-brown, deeply fissured. Fruits and seeds: pods green, purplish tinged. | -17.776110 | 24.697220 | 4 |
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