Literature: | | |
Balkwill, K. & Welman, W.G. (2000) Acanthaceae. In Leistner, O.A. Seed plants of southern Africa: families and genera. Strelitzia 10 34-45 | | |
Darbyshire, I., Vollesen, K. & Kelbessa, E. (2010) Acanthaceae (Part 2) Flora of Tropical East Africa Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. | | |
Darbyshire, I., Vollesen, K. & Kelbessa, E. (2015) Acanthaceae (Part 2) Flora Zambesiaca 8(6) | | |
Leistner, O.A. (2005) Seed plants of southern tropical Africa: families and genera SABONET Report No. 26 SABONET, Pretoria | | |
Vollesen, K. (2009) Acanthaceae (Part 1) Flora of Tropical East Africa | | |
Vollesen, K. (2013) Acanthaceae (Part 1) Flora Zambesiaca 8(5) | | |
| | |
Names | FZ Divisions |
| | |
Pogonospermum ciliatum (Jacq.) I.Darbysh. & Kiel | N |
Justicia ciliata Jacq. | | |
| | |
Meiosperma bracteatum Justicia bracteata (Hochst.) Zarb. | N,C,S |
Justicia bracteata (Hochst.) Zarb. | | |
Monechma bracteatum Hochst. | | |
Monechma debile sensu Schinz. | | |
Meiosperma eminii (Lindau) I.Darbysh. & E.A.Tripp | N |
Justicia eminii Lindau | | |
Meiosperma monechmoides (S.Moore) I.Darbysh. & E.A.Tripp | C,S |
Justicia monechmoides S. Moore | | |
Monechma monechmoides (S. Moore) Hutch. | | |
| | |
7908.000 ELYTRARIA Michx. | | |
Elytraria acaulis (L.f.) Lindau | S |
Elytraria crenata Vahl | | |
Elytraria crenata Vahl var. lyrata (Vahl) Nees | | |
Elytraria lyrata (Vahl) Vahl | | |
Elytraria marginata sensu da Silva et al. non Vahl | | |
Justicia acaulis L.f. | | |
Justicia acaulis L. f. var. lyrata Vahl | | |
Tubiflora acaulis (L. f.) Kuntze | | |
| | |
7909.000 NELSONIA R. Br. | | |
Nelsonia canescens (Lam.) Spreng. | N,C,S |
Justicia canescens Lam. | | |
Nelsonia campestris sensu Burkill | | |
Nelsonia canescens (Lam.) Spreng. var. vestita (Roem. & Schult.) E. Hossain | | |
Nelsonia gracilis Vollesen | N |
Nelsonia smithii Oerst. | N |
| | |
7914.000 THUNBERGIA Retz. | | |
Thunbergia alata Bojer ex Sims | N,C,S |
Thunbergia bikamaensis De Wild. | | |
Thunbergia fuscata Lindau | | |
Thunbergia kamatembica Mildbr. | | |
Thunbergia manganjensis Lindau | | |
Thunbergia nymphaeifolia Lindau | | |
Thunbergia crispa Burkill | N,C,S |
Thunbergia homblei De Wild. | | |
Thunbergia variabilis De Wild. | | |
Thunbergia graminifolia De Wild. | N |
Thunbergia kirkiana T. Anderson | N,C,S |
Thunbergia lancifolia T. Anderson | N,C,S |
Thunbergia bequaertii De Wild. | | |
Thunbergia cerinthoides Radlk. | | |
Thunbergia friesii Lindau | | |
Thunbergia gentianoides Radlk. | | |
Thunbergia glaberrima Lindau | | |
Thunbergia hockii De Wild. | | |
Thunbergia puberula Lindau | | |
Thunbergia valida S. Moore | | |
Thunbergia lathyroides Burkill | N |
Thunbergia natalensis Hook. | S |
Thunbergia petersiana Lindau | N,C,S |
Thunbergia chrysops sensu Klotzsch | | |
Thunbergia mollis Lindau | | |
Thunbergia swynnertonii S. Moore var. cordata S. Moore | | |
Thunbergia torrei Benoist | | |
Thunbergia racemosa Vollesen | N |
Thunbergia schimbensis S. Moore | N |
Thunbergia subalata Lindau | C,S |
Thunbergia usambarica Lindau | N,C,S |
Thunbergia swynnertonii S. Moore | | |
| | |
7925.000 BRILLANTAISIA P. Beauv. | | |
Brillantaisia cicatricosa Lindau | N,C,S |
Brillantaisia grandidentata S. Moore | | |
Brillantaisia kirungae Lindau | | |
Brillantaisia subulugurica Burkill | | |
Brillantaisia ulugurica Lindau | | |
Brillantaisia oligantha Milne-Redh. [End] [LR-nt] | N,C |
Brillantaisia pubescens T. Anderson ex Oliv. | C,S |
Brillantaisia anomala Lindau | | |
Hygrophila pubescens T. Anderson ex Oliv. | | |
Brillantaisia riparia (Vollesen & Brummitt) Sidwell | C,S |
Brillantaisia pubescens T. Anderson ex Oliv. var. riparia Vollesen & Brummitt | | |
| | |
7926.000 HYGROPHILA R.Br. | | |
Hygrophila abyssinica (Hochst. ex Nees) T.Anderson | C,S |
Hygrophila prunelloides (S. Moore) Heine | | |
Polyechma abyssinicum Nees | | |
Synnema hygrophiloides Lindau | | |
Hygrophila cataractae S. Moore | N,C |
Hygrophila didynama (Lindau) Heine | N |
Brillantaisia didynama Lindau | | |
Hygrophila gigas Burkill | | |
Hygrophila gilletii De Willd. | | |
Hygrophila pilosa Burkill | N,C |
Hygrophila pobeguinii Benoist | N,S |
Hygrophila schulli (Buch.-Ham.) M.R. Almeida & S.M. Almeida | N,C,S |
Barleria auriculata Schumach. | | |
Hygrophila auriculata (Schumach.) Heine | | |
Hygrophila spinosa T. Anderson | | |
Hygrophila spiciformis Lindau | N,C |
| | |
7928.000 MELLERA S. Moore | | |
Mellera lobulata S. Moore | N,S |
Mellera angustata Lindau | | |
Mellera nyassana S. Moore | N,C,S |
Mellera submutica C.B. Clarke | N,C,S |
Onus submuticus (C.B. Clarke) Gilli | | |
Pseudobarleria lindaui Dewèvre | | |
| | |
7932.000 PHAULOPSIS Willd. | | |
Phaulopsis imbricata (Forssk.) Sweet | | |
subsp. imbricata | N,C,S |
Aetheilema imbricatum (Forssk.) Spreng. | | |
Ruellia imbricata Forssk. | | |
Phaulopsis sangana S. Moore | N |
| | |
7937.000 MIMULOPSIS Schweinf. | | |
Mimulopsis alpina Chiov. | N |
Mimulopsis solmsii Schweinf. | N,C,S |
Mimulopsis sesamoides S. Moore | | |
Mimulopsis solmsii Schweinf. var. orophila Troupin | | |
| | |
7939.000 DYSCHORISTE Nees | | |
Dyschoriste albiflora Lindau | N,C,S |
Dyschoriste hildebrandtii (S. Moore) S. Moore | S |
Calophanes hildebrandtii S. Moore | | |
Dyschoriste alba S. Moore | | |
Dyschoriste fischeri Lindau | | |
Dyschoriste marandellae Merxm. | | |
Dyschoriste matopensis N.E. Br. | | |
Dyschoriste monroi S. Moore | | |
Dyschoriste mutica (S. Moore) C.B. Clarke | N,C,S |
Dyschoriste nagchana (Nees) Bennet | N,C |
Diclipteranthus nagchana Nees | | |
Dyschoriste perrottetii (Nees) Kuntze | | |
Dyschoriste radicans sensu auct. | | |
Dyschoriste nyassica Gilli [NrEnd] [LR-nt] | N |
Dyschoriste tanganyikensis C.B. Clarke | N,C |
Dyschoriste trichocalyx (Oliv.) Lindau | | |
subsp. verticillaris (C.B. Clarke) Vollesen | N,C,S |
Calophanes verticillaris Oliv. | | |
Dyschoriste verticillaris C.B. Clarke | | |
| | |
7940.000 DUOSPERMA Dayton | | |
DISPERMA C.B. Clarke | | |
Duosperma crenatum (Lindau) P.G. Mey. | C,S |
Disperma crenatum (Lindau) Milne-Redh. | | |
Disperma parviflorum (Lindau) C.B. Clarke | | |
Disperma quadrisepalum C.B. Clarke | | |
Disperma quadrisepalum C.B. Clarke var. grandifolium S. Moore | | |
Dyschoriste quadrisepala (C.B. Clarke) Lindau | | |
Hygrophila crenata Lindau | | |
Hygrophila parviflora Lindau | | |
Duosperma fanshawei Brummitt | N |
Duosperma glabratum Vollesen [End] [DD] | N |
Duosperma nudantherum (C.B. Clarke) Brummitt | N |
Duosperma quadrangulare (Klotzsch) Brummitt | C,S |
Disperma affine (Lindau) S. Moore | | |
Disperma angolense C.B. Clarke | | |
Disperma dentatum C.B.Clarke | | |
Disperma quadrangulare (Klotzsch) C.B. Clarke | | |
Disperma viscidissimum S. Moore | | |
Duosperma angolense (C.B. Clarke) Brummitt | | |
Duosperma dentatum C.B. Clarke, invalid name | | |
Hygrophila affinis Lindau | | |
Hygrophila quadrangularis (Klotzsch) Lindau | | |
Hygrophila sessilifolia sensu Lindau in Fries (1914), non Lindau | | |
Nomaphila quadrangularis Klotzsch | | |
| | |
7949.000 ACANTHOPALE C.B. Clarke | | |
Acanthopale confertiflora (Lindau) C.B.Clarke | N,C |
Dischistocalyx confertiflora Lindau | | |
Acanthopale pubescens (Lindau) C.B. Clarke | |
Acanthopale albosetulosa C.B. Clarke | | |
Acanthopale longipilosa (Mildbr.) Bremek. | | |
Dischistocalyx pubescens Engl. var. longipilosa Mildbr. | | |
Dischistocalyx pubescens Engl. | | |
| | |
7953.000 STROBILANTHOPSIS S. Moore | | |
Strobilanthopsis linifolia (T. Anderson) Milne-Redh. | N |
Calophanes linifolius T. Anderson ex C.B. Clarke | | |
Dyschoriste linifolia (T. Anderson) C.B. Clarke | | |
Hygrophila evae Briq. | | |
Hygrophila glutinifolia Lindau | | |
Strobilanthopsis glutinifolia (Lindau) S. Moore | | |
Strobilanthopsis hircina S. Moore | | |
Strobilanthopsis prostrata Milne-Redh. | | |
Strobilanthopsis rogersii S. Moore | | |
| | |
7965.000 RUELLIA L. | | |
Ruellia bignoniiflora (Lindau) S. Moore | S |
Dischistocalyx bignoniiflorus (S. Moore) Lindau | | |
Ruellia bignonaeiflora S. Moore | | |
Ruellia oxysepala C.B. Clarke | | |
Ruellia patula Jacq. | S |
Dipteracanthus patulus (Jacq.) Nees | | |
Ruellia praetermissa Lindau | N,S |
Ruellia prostrata Poir. | N,C,S |
Dipteracanthus prostratus (Poir.) Nees | | |
Ruellia otaviensis auct. | | |
Ruellia patula Jacq. var. prostrata (Poir.) Chiov. | | |
| | |
7971.000 LEPIDAGATHIS Willd. | | |
Lepidagathis andersoniana Lindau | S |
Lepidagathis eriocephala Lindau | N,S |
Lepidagathis fischeri C.B. Clarke | N |
Lepidagathis lindauiana De Wild.; | | |
Lepidagathis rogersii Turrill | | |
Lepidagathis lanatoglabra C.B. Clarke | N,C |
Lepidagathis sparsiceps C.B. Clarke | | |
Lepidagathis nemorosa S. Moore | N |
Lepidagathis lindaviana Buscal. & Muschl. | | |
Lepidagathis persimilis S. Moore | | |
Lepidagathis ringoetii De Wild. | | |
Lepidagathis pallescens S. Moore | | |
subsp. pallescens | N,C |
| | |
7972.000 CRABBEA Harv. | | |
Crabbea cirsioides (Nees) Nees | C,S |
Crabbea angustifolia Nees | | |
Crabbea hirsuta Harv. | | |
Crabbea ovalifolia Ficalho & Hiern | | |
Crabbea robusta C.B. Clarke | | |
Crabbea undulatifolia Engl. | | |
Ruellia circioides Nees | | |
Crabbea coerulea Vollesen | N |
Crabbea velutina S. Moore | S |
Crabbea reticulata C.B. Clarke | | |
| | |
7973.000 BARLERIA L. | | |
Barleria ameliae A. Meeuse | S |
Barleria prionitis L. subsp. ameliae (A.Meeuse) Brummitt & J.R.I. Wood | | |
Barleria boehmii Lindau | N |
Barleria calophylloides Lindau | | |
subsp. pilosa I.Darbysh. | N,C |
Barleria capitata Klotzsch | S |
Barleria megalosiphon Mildbr. | | |
Barleria crassa C.B. Clarke | | |
subsp. crassa | C |
Barleria nyasensis sensu auct., non C.B.Clarke | | |
Barleria venosa Oberm. | | |
Barleria fulvostellata C.B. Clarke | | |
subsp. axillaris I. Darbysh. | C |
Barleria fulvostellata C.B. Clarke | | |
subsp. mangochiensis I. Darbysh. [NrEnd] [EN] | S |
Barleria fulvostellata C.B. Clarke | | |
subsp. fulvostellata [NrEnd] [EN] | N |
Barleria hirta Oberm. | S |
Barleria holstii Lindau | C |
Barleria (Müller 3076) | | |
Barleria lactiflora Brummitt & Seyani | N |
Barleria senensis Klotzsch | S |
Barleria albida Lindau | | |
Barleria eenii S. Moore | | |
Barleria petrophila Lindau | | |
Barleria spathulata N.E. Br. | | |
Barleria spinulosa Klotzsch | | |
subsp. spinulosa | N,C,S |
Barleria clivorum C.B. Clarke | | |
Barleria consanguinea Klotzsch | | |
Barleria squarrosa Klotzsch | | |
Barleria ventricosa Hochst. ex Nees | S |
Barleria scindens Oberm. | | |
| | |
7977.000 NEURACANTHUS Nees | | |
Neuracanthus africanus T. Anderson ex S. Moore | S |
Barleria sacani Klotzsch ex Lindau | | |
Neuracanthus africanus T. Anderson ex S. Moore var. limpopoensis Bidgood & Brummitt | | |
Neuracanthus decorus S. Moore | | |
subsp. strobilinus (C.B. Clarke) Bidgood & Brummitt | N |
Neuracanthus strobilinus C.B. Clarke | | |
| | |
7978.000 SCLEROCHITON Harv. | | |
Sclerochiton kirkii (T. Anderson) C. B. Clarke | S |
Acanthus kirkii T. Anderson | | |
Sclerochiton obtusisepalus C.B. Clarke | N |
| | |
7980.000 BLEPHARIS Juss. | | |
Blepharis acanthodioides Klotzsch | C,S |
Blepharis myresii Oberm. | | |
Blepharis bainesii S. Moore ex C.B. Clarke | |
Blepharis cataractae S. Moore | | |
Blepharis buchneri Lindau | N? |
Blepharis buchneri Lindau var. major De Wild. | | |
Blepharis malangensis S. Moore | | |
Blepharis glumacea S. Moore | N,C |
Blepharis kassneri S. Moore | | |
Blepharis grandis C.B. Clarke | N,C,S |
Blepharis involucrata Solms | S |
Blepharis barguirmiensis A. Chev. ex Lindau | | |
Blepharis pinguior C.B. Clarke | | |
Blepharis katangensis De Wild. | N,C |
Blepharis maderaspatensis (L.) Roth | N,C,S |
Acanthus maderaspatensis L. | | |
Blepharis abyssinica Hochst. | | |
Blepharis boerhaviifolia Pers. | | |
Blepharis boerhaviifolia Pers. var. micrantha Sond. | | |
Blepharis boerhaviifolia Pers. var. nigrovenulosa De Wild. & T. Durand | | |
Blepharis gueinzii T. Anderson | | |
Blepharis maderaspatanus (L.) Roth var. abyssinica (Hochst.) Fiori, Boschi & Piante | | |
Blepharis maderaspatensis (L.) Roth subsp. rubiifolia (Schum.) Napper | | |
Blepharis teaguei Oberm. | | |
Blepharis menocotyle Milne-Redh. | C |
Blepharis pungens Klotzsch | S |
Blepharis madandensis S. Moore | | |
Blepharis sol C.B. Clarke [End?] | N |
Blepharis tanganyikensis (Napper) Vollesen | N |
Blepharis cuanzensis S. Moore subsp. tanganyikensis Napper | | |
Blepharis tenuiramea S. Moore | N,C,S |
Blepharis caloneura S. Moore var. angustifolia Oberm. | | |
| | |
7981.000 ACANTHUS L. | | |
Acanthus ueleensis De Wild. | N,S |
Acanthus montanus sensu C.B. Clarke | | |
Acanthus vandermeirenii De Wild. | | |
| | |
7985.000 CROSSANDRA Salisb. | | |
Crossandra nilotica Oliv. | N |
Crossandra massaica sensu Maroyi | | |
Crossandra nilotica Oliv. subsp. acuminata (Lindau ex C.B.Clarke) Napper | | |
Crossandra puberula Klotzsch | S |
Crossandra jashi Lindau | | |
Crossandra pubescens Klotzsch | | |
Crossandra pyrophila Vollesen | S |
Crossandra greenstockii sensu S. Moore | | |
| | |
8007.000 ASYSTASIA Blume | | |
Asystasia glandulosa Lindau | N,C,S |
Asystasia intrusa (Forssk.) Blume | N,C,S |
Asystasia coromandeliana Nees | | |
Asystasia gangetica (L.) T. Anderson subsp. micrantha (Nees) Ensermu | | |
Asystasia pinguifolia T. Edwards | | |
Justicia gangetica L. | | |
Asystasia malawiana Brummitt & Chisumpa | C,S |
| | |
8022.000 RUSPOLIA Lindau | | |
Ruspolia decurrens (Hochst. ex Nees) Milne-Redh. | C,S |
Eranthemum decurrens Nees | | |
Eranthemum senense Klotzsch | | |
Pseuderanthemum decurrens (Nees) Radlk. | | |
Pseuderanthemum senense (Klotzsch) Radlk. | | |
Ruspolia seticalyx (C.B. Clarke) Milne-Redh. | N,C,S |
Eranthemum seticalyx C.B. Clarke | | |
Pseuderanthemum seticalyx (C.B. Clarke) Stapf | | |
| | |
8024.000 PSEUDERANTHEMUM Radlk. | | |
Pseuderanthemum subviscosum (C.B. Clarke) Stapf | N,S |
Eranthemum subviscosum C.B. Clarke | | |
Pseuderanthemum tunicatum sensu Milne-Redh. | | |
| | |
8031.000 DICLIPTERA Juss. | | |
Dicliptera aculeata C.B. Clarke | N,C,S |
Peristrophe aculeata (C.B. Clarke) Brummitt | | |
Peristrophe bicalyculata sensu Clerke, non (Retz.) Nees | | |
Peristrophe hensii Sensu da Silva et Al., non C.B. Clarke | | |
Dicliptera carvalhoi Lindau | | |
subsp. carvalhoi | N |
Dicliptera angustifolia Gilli | | |
Dicliptera cephalantha S. Moore | | |
Dicliptera olitoria Mildbr. | | |
Dicliptera rogersii Turrill | | |
Dicliptera clinopodia Nees | C,S |
Dicliptera leonotis sensu auct. non C.B. Clarke | | |
Dicliptera nobilis S. Moore | | |
Dicliptera colorata C.B. Clarke | N |
Dicliptera heterostegia Nees | C,S |
Dicliptera insignis Mildbr. | | |
Dicliptera mossambicensis Klotzsch | | |
Justicia heterostegia E. Mey. | | |
Dicliptera laxata C.B. Clarke | N |
Dicliptera maculata Nees | | |
subsp. maculata | N,S |
?Dicliptera umbellata sensu Binns, non (Vahl) Juss. | | |
Dicliptera lingulata C.B. Clarke | | |
Dicliptera longipedunculata Mildbr. | | |
Dicliptera wittei Mildbr. | | |
Dicliptera melleri Rolfe | N,C,S |
Diapedium melleri (Rolfe) S. Moore | | |
Peristrophe mellerioides Merxm. | | |
Dicliptera paniculata (Forssk.) I. Darbysh. | N,C |
Peristrophe bicalyculata (Retz.) Nees | | |
Peristrophe paniculata (Forssk.) Brummitt | | |
Dicliptera pumila (Lindau) Dandy ex Brenan | N,C,S |
Dicliptera sp. A | S |
Dicliptera sp. D | S |
Dicliptera verticillata (Forssk.) C. Chr. | N,C,S |
Dicliptera spinulosa Hochst. ex K. Balkwill | | |
| | |
8032.000 HYPOESTES Sol. ex R.Br. | | |
Hypoestes aristata (Vahl) Roem. & Schult. | N,C,S |
Hypoestes verticillaris (L.f.) Roem. & Schult. | | |
Justicia aristata Vahl | | |
Hypoestes forskaolii (Vahl) Roem. & Schult. | | |
subsp. forskaolii | N,C,S |
Hypoestes depauperata Lindau | | |
Hypoestes echioides Lindau | | |
Hypoestes latifolia Nees | | |
Hypoestes mlanjensis C.B. Clarke | | |
Hypoestes mollis T. Anderson | | |
Hypoestes preussii Lindau | | |
Hypoestes tanganyikensis C.B. Clarke | | |
Hypoestes verticillaris (L.f.) Roem. & Schult. | | |
Hypoestes violaceotincta Lindau | | |
Justicia forskaolii Vahl | | |
Justicia paniculata Forssk. | | |
Hypoestes triflora (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. | N,C,S |
Hypoestes consanguinea Lindau | | |
Hypoestes kilimandscharica Lindau | | |
Hypoestes phaylopsoides S. Moore | | |
Hypoestes rosea sensu Clarke p.p. non P. Beauv. | | |
Justicia triflora Forssk. | | |
| | |
8048.000 ECBOLIUM Kurz | | |
Ecbolium clarkei Hiern | | |
var. clarkei | S |
| | |
8054.000 RHINACANTHUS Nees | | |
Rhinacanthus submontanus T. Harris & I. Darbysh. | N,C |
Rhinacanthus zambesiacus I. Darbysh. | C,S |
Rhinacanthus communis sensu C.B. Clarke | | |
Rhinacanthus gracilis sensu auct. non Klotzsch | | |
Rhinacanthus rotundifolius sensu da Silva et al. non C.B. Clarke | | |
| | |
8061.000 MEGALOCHLAMYS Lindau | | |
Megalochlamys hamata (Klotzsch) Vollesen | S |
Blechum hamatum Klotzsch | | |
Ecbolium hamatum (Klotzsch) C.B. Clarke | | |
Ecbolium lugardiae N.E. Br. | | |
Megalochlamys strobilifera C.B. Clarke | | |
| | |
8079.000 ISOGLOSSA Oerst. | | |
Isoglossa bracteosa Mildbr. | N |
Isoglossa eliasbandae Brummitt | S |
Isoglossa floribunda C.B. Clarke | | |
subsp. floribunda | S |
Isoglossa grandiflora S.Moore | N,S |
Isoglossa gregorii (S. Moore) Lindau | C,S |
Homilacanthus gregorii S. Moore | | |
Isoglossa oerstediana Lindau | | |
Justicia nyassae Lindau | | |
Isoglossa membranacea C.B. Clarke | | |
subsp. membranacea | N |
Isoglossa milanjiensis S. Moore | S |
Isoglossa mossambicensis Lindau | | |
Isoglossa multinervis I. Darbysh. | N |
Isoglossa pawekiae Brummitt & Feika | N |
Isoglossa perdita I. Darbysh. [End] [EX?] | S |
Isoglossa strigosula C.B. Clarke | N,C |
| | |
8082.000 BRACHYSTEPHANUS Nees | | |
OREACANTHUS Benth. | | |
Brachystephanus africanus S. Moore | | |
var. africanus | N,C,S |
Brachystephanus bequaertii De Wild. | | |
| | |
8094.000 JUSTICIA L. | | |
ADHATODA Mill. | | |
JACOBINIA Nees ex Moricand | | |
MONECHMA Hochst. | | |
Justicia anagalloides (Nees) T. Anderson | N,C,S |
Adhatoda anagalloides Nees | | |
Ecbolium anagalloides (Nees) Kuntze | | |
Justicia psammophila Mildbr. | | |
Justicia uncinulata Oliv. | | |
Justicia asystasioides (Lindau) M.E. Steiner | N |
Duvernoia asystasioides Lindau | | |
Justicia amabilis (Mildbr.) V.A.W. Graham | | |
Justicia mildbraedii V.A.W.Graham | | |
Thamnojusticia amabilis Mildbr. | | |
Thamnojusticia grandiflora Mildbr. | | |
Justicia betonica L. | N,C,S |
Adhatoda betonica (L.) Nees | | |
Adhatoda cheiranthifolia Nees | | |
Adhatoda lupulina Nees | | |
Adhatoda variegata Nees var. pallidior Nees | | |
Justicia betonicoides C.B. Clarke | | |
Justicia cheiranthifolia (Nees) C.B. Clarke | | |
Justicia pallidior (Nees) C.B. Clarke | | |
Justicia pallidior (Nees) C.B. Clarke var. cooperi C.B. Clarke | | |
Justicia uninervis S. Moore | | |
Justicia elegantula S. Moore | C |
Justicia flava (Vahl) Vahl | N,C,S |
Justicia francoiseana Brummitt | S |
Adhatoda bagshawei S. Moore | | |
Justicia bagshawei (S. Moore) Eyles | | |
Justicia heterocarpa T. Anderson | | |
subsp. dinteri (S. Moore) Hedrén | S |
Justicia dinteri S. Moore | | |
Justicia kirkiana T. Anderson | N,C,S |
Justicia woodsiae S. Moore | | |
Justicia linearispica C.B. Clarke | N,C |
Justicia lithospermoides Lindau | N,C |
Justicia matammensis (Schweinf.) Oliv. | N,C,S |
Adhatoda matammensis Schweinf. | | |
Justicia mollugo C.B. Clarke | N,C,S |
Justicia heterocarpa sensu Lindau | | |
Justicia leptocarpa sensu Lindau | | |
Justicia nuttii C.B. Clarke | N,C,S |
Justicia goetzei Lindau | | |
Justicia nuttii C.B. Clarke var. blantyrensis C.B. Clarke | | |
Justicia schliebenii Mildbr. | | |
Justicia nyassana Lindau | N,C,S |
Justicia petiolaris (Nees) T. Anderson | |
Justicia phyllostachys C.B. Clarke | N |
Justicia protracta (Nees) T. Anderson | S |
Adhadota microphylla Klotzsch | | |
Adhatoda protracta (Nees) Nees | | |
Gendarussa protracta Nees | | |
Gendarussa prunellaefolia Hochst. | | |
Justicia kraussii C.B. Clarke | | |
Justicia microphylla (Klotzsch) Lindau | | |
Justicia pulegioides C.B. Clarke | | |
Justicia striata (Klotzsch) Bullock subsp. melampyrum (S. Moore) J.K. Morton | | |
Justicia striata (Klotzsch) Bullock var. filifolia (Lindau) J.K. Morton | | |
Justicia woodii C.B. Clarke | | |
Justicia rodgersii Vollesen | N |
Justicia sp. 1. sensu White et al. | | |
Justicia scandens Vahl | N,C,S |
Justicia glabra Roxb. | | |
Rhaphidospora glabra (Roxb.) Nees | | |
Justicia striata (Klotzsch) Bullock | N,C,S |
Adhatoda striata Klotzsch | | |
Justicia dyschoristeoides C.B. Clarke | | |
Justicia filifolia Lindau | | |
Justicia striata (Klotzsch) Bullock subsp. striata var. dyschoristeoides (C.B. Clarke) Hedrén | | |
Justicia striolata Mildbr. | N,C,S |
Justicia syncollotheca Milne-Redh. | N |
Justicia tenella (Nees) T. Anderson | N,S |
Anisostachya tenella (Nees) Lindau | | |
Rostellaria tenella Nees | | |
Rostellularia tenella Nees | | |
Justicia varians (C.B. Clarke) Vollesen | N |
Monechma varians C.B. Clarke | | |
Justicia whytei S. Moore | C,S |
| | |
8096.000 ANISOTES Nees | | |
HIMANTOCHILUS T. Anderson | | |
MACRORUNGIA C.B. Clarke | | |
METARUNGIA Baden | | |
Anisotes formosissimus (Klotzsch) Milne-Redh. | S |
Adhatoda formosissima Klotzsch | | |
Macrorungia formosissima (Klotzsch) C.B. Clarke | | |
Symplectochilus formosissimus (Klotzsch) Lindau | | |
Anisotes nyassae C. Baden | N |
Anisotes pubinervis (T. Anderson) Heine | N,C,S |
Macrorungia pubinervia (T. Anderson) C.B. Clarke | | |
Metarungia pubinervia (T. Anderson) C. Baden | | |
Rungia pubinervia T. Anderson | | |
Anisotes sessiliflorus (T. Anderson) C. B. Clarke | S |
Anisotus sessiliflorus subsp. iringensis Baden | | |
Himantochilus sessiliflorus T. Anderson | | |